All posts by Brandy

Research Example #4

Valentino, Nicholas A. ; Brader, Ted ; Jardina, Ashley E. “Immigration Opposition Among U.S. Whites: General Ethnocentrism or Media Priming of Attitudes About Latinos?” Political Psychology. April 2013, Vol.34(2), pp.149-166.

This article talks about how ethnocentrism is a powerful component for an immigration opinion. They predict group-specific affect, not general ethnocentrism, should most powerfully shape immigration policy opinion in the contemporary United States. They test this expectation with content analysis of news coverage, survey data from 1992-2008, a survey experiment, and official statistics. They find evidence of of mentions of Latinos in media news coverage has increased, and outpace mentions of other groups starting in 1994, the year Prop 187 was passed, bringing an end to social welfare and educational assistance to undocumented immigrants. They also find that policies are being passed which are concerned with demographics concerning where immigrants are coming from. This is a peer reviewed article, and covers the heart and soul of what I want my research project to focus on.

Research Example #2

Dunaway, Johanna, Robert K. Goidel,  Ashley Kirzinger, and Betina Cutaia Wilkinson. “Rebuilding or Intruding? Media Coverage and Public Opinion on Latino Immigration in Post-Katrina Louisiana”.  Social Science Quarterly. Vol.92(4). Dec. 2011. pp 917-937.

This article covers topics to better understand the public opinions of immigration regarding the studies of different aspects, be it political, geographic and media backgrounds. They used post-Katrina Latino immigrant migration to Louisiana as an opportunity to study these relationships. They use survey data and context analysis of news coverage to examine the influence of news exposure on attitudes towards immigrants and immigration. It concluded that local news coverage of immigration increases awareness and wide spread concern about immigration, and heightened news exposure increases perceptions about personal interactions with Spanish-speaking populations. I find this research to be something that can continue into my search for looking for citations for my research question, which is “How does the media’s portrayal of immigrants affect their own perception of self-identity?” because a persons self-identity can be affected by other people’s opinions, especially if they are surrounded by those opinions constantly in the media. I am wanting to try to incorporate  the self-identity of immigrants, the media’s perception of immigrants, and how the media affects the immigrants self-identity.

Research Example #1

Correa-Cabrera, Guadalupe and Miriam Rojas-Arenaza. “The Mathematics of Mexico-US migration and US Immigration Policy” Policy Studies. Vol 33 (4). July 2012. pp 297-312.

This peer reviewed article is outlining the mathematical research behind the policies designed in the US regarding Mexico-based immigration. They use statistics, qualitative data analysis, and the mass media to showcase the affects that the policies passed by the US has, especially since there is a bias against Mexico-based immigrants. The study concluded the misuse of the numbers related to immigrants, and the slanderous portrayal in the media about immigrants being violent, and harmful for the US economy and society. The falsification and misrepresentation of these numbers and statistics have resulted in many harmful laws, including Arizona SB 1070, which allows for the police to racially profile people who they feel do not carry proper identification. The act of fixing these false numbers to the correct statistics could result in better policies for immigration, and a better representation of a group of people all together. I feel this article has all of the right statistics in which I am looking to use for my research question as it covers all sorts of issues related to my question: media, self-identity, statistics of immigration, etc.

Blog Post #2

Wilkinson, Wayne W. and Stephen D. Berry. 2019. “Together they are Troy and Chase: Who Supports Demonetization of Gay Content on YouTube?” Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 

This article presents the issue of YouTube censoring people who are content creators for the LGBTQ+ community by taking away the ability to earn advertising revenue. Wayne and Stephen to find who supported this, and they conducted finding this data by collecting samples of people who watched certain YouTube channels, concluding their findings that it was people with more conservative ideologies, and that gay perceptions made public had negative effects on society. Their findings also concluded that these negative feelings towards the content creators reflected more on on self-negativity. I find this to be related to my research topic and question, regarding how the media reflects immigrants form of self-identity, because this is an example of how media can have a result on personal identity. While it is not related or has any correlation to immigration, it shows that the media can have effects on how you view yourself within self-identity.

Blog Post #1

Avery, James. “Racial Threat and the Influence of Latino Turnout on State Immigration Policy”. Social Science Quarterly. Vol. 98 (2). pp. 750-765

James Avery, Jeffery Fine, and Timothy Marquez wanted to find if there would be correlation with states passing more restrictive immigration policies with larger Latino populations compared to those with few Latinos in their state. This article is bringing forth data from 2009 to 2012 to examine the influence of Latino constituency and Latino electoral strength on the number of restrictive immigration laws enacted by U.S, state legislatures. They find correlation between states having larger Latino populations having more restrictive laws and policies passed, rather than those with fewer Latino populations. They also find a correlation with an electoral college with greater Latino representation leads to fewer and less restrictive policies and laws. Later, they show the positive effect of Latino mobilization, based on electoral influence, and ethnic composition of the state legislature. I find this to be relevant to my topic, because as much as the media has an influence on immigrants psychological state, so do the policies that directly concern them. I feel it might be useful to use this in my research, especially because it brings forth such great data supporting claims that more policies and laws are passed if there is a greater Latino population in states.