Tag Archives: art therapy

Proposal Example

This proposal is divided into the following sections: introduction, statement of the problem, purpose of study, primary research question, hypothesis, subsidiary research question, definition of terms, significance of study, limitations of study, organization of study, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion.

The introduction situates the reader. Art therapy began in hospitals, clinics, and rehab centers during the 1950’s. The goal of this study is to see what art medium would be better suited in a public school setting. The study also asks whether students ability to pick an art medium will improve the outcome.

The study draws from experiences from art therapists, books, and articles. The following terms are defined: art therapy, art, medium, psychotherapy, expressive therapy, and the American Art Therapy Association. One article cited in the literature review discussed the benefits of an arts center for adults that were developmentally disabled. This study started based off of observations of art therapy from a social rehabilitation center for former offenders and people with developmental disabilities. The subjects were asked to draw using  basic art materials.

Conclusions include that art mediums can provide an atmosphere of improving self-esteem, confidence, social skills, and the general quality of life. Psychological imbalances can be can be determined during therapeutic art work in a school setting.No one art medium is sufficient for gaining information on the psychological standings of the patients. Patients benefit from having the freedom and trust from their therapists to pick what art medium they work with.

The schools do see art therapy as giving concrete information about their students psychological status. The school can benefit by allowing lower functioning students a way to express themselves. The social rehab center showed how the larger community benefited through public art shows. This proposal did not include a timeline or a budget


Art Therapy Creative Manuals

This article examines if it is possible to make creative manuals that reflect rather than prescribe the art therapy practice. Manuals can be both useful and restrictive. The British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) created a protocol for establishing BAAT-approved guidelines. This article looks at a brief review of the literature as well as descriptions and guidelines to improve treatment. Topics that this article covers include: art therapy, creativity, flexibility, research, and manuals. First creativity is typically seen as something that cannot be given. A concern for art therapists is prescribing a set of firm instructions. Yet, the effectiveness of art therapy must also be demonstrated.

Randomized control trials (RCTs) is one type of research used to showcase evidence for art therapy. The development of manuals allow for easier evaluation of effectiveness of treatment. A manual should be a “clinically rich guide, not a total prescription” (2). In addition, the procedure should be outlined enough so that the results can be replicated. On the other hand, manuals have been associated with fixed sequences and techniques. In summary, “there is a need to balance flexibility with structure, therapist creativity with treatment fidelity, therapist control with general stability” (2).  The conversational model can be used in outcome-based research to demonstrate long-lasting positive effects. The Mentalization-Based Treatment for Families manual looks for feedback. The  BAAT asked special interest groups to describe guidelines for an art therapy manual. This might relate to a certain way of working, or a certain client group.

International Journal of Art Therapy, 2014 Vol. 19 No. 2 82-87 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17454832.2014.906475

Art Therapy for Grief Trauma

This article discusses the role of art therapists at a grief camp for children after September 11, 2001. The language of imagery offers an alternative to words. Visual communication can serve as a tool to communicate complex feelings such as pain, anger, and fear. Healing occurs through the act of the creative process. This article examines experiences from three art therapists from New York University. The topics that this article covers include: art therapy, grief, terrorism, trauma, and faith healing. This article offers a case study of a program that incorporates art therapy.

This article examines children’s experience from  Camp Good Grief in Long Island. This camp is a weeklong camp for children ages four to fifteen years old who have experienced a death of a family member or relative. Art can be used as a process of destructive memories. The art therapists used art in a self directed way. Art can be used as a universal language of symbols. Art therapists should be mindful about how their experience shapes the patient’s process of art therapy.

I found this article interesting because art was used as a way to work through trauma. Loma Linda Children’s Hospital also has a grief camp. Some art therapy exercises are done at  this grief camp.

DiSunno, R., Linton, K., & Bowes, E. (2011). World trade center tragedy: Concomitant healing in traumatic grief through art therapy with children. Traumatology: An International Journal, 17(3), 47-52. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1534765611421964

Art Therapy: history, benefits, and considerations

The Article Art Therapy: Enhancing Psychosocial Nursing reviews the history or art therapy and current existing art therapy programs. This article uses data that has already been gathered to address key findings of art therapy programs. The benefits of art therapy are cited. The creative process is a way to handle conflicts and increase awareness. Art can also represent the client’s progress in internal state, a graphic representation of one’s feelings can be a helpful form of communication. Art therapy can also improve the quality of life for clients and improve their insight. Art therapy programs can increase awareness and psychological growth. The process can also be used by nurses to evaluate the client’s strengths. Art therapy also emphasizes the process over the product. Partnered with other therapies, art therapy can provide emotional support to clients. Art can communicate feelings in which clients might have difficulty communicating verbally. Art therapy can also be flexible in accommodating to individual needs. Art therapy can also be used with clients families. Art therapy within a psychosocial rehab setting will emphasize social, problem solving skills, and practical living skills. Goals should be designed to meet clients needs. Sessions time frame should also be designed to fit the client’s needs. Successful art therapy programs can be managed with minimal supplies.The article concluded that art therapy for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness can assist them with goals of psychosocial nursing. This article suggests that in the future that an evaluation procedure should be developed at the start of art therapy sessions. These observation measures will allow to measure effectiveness. Overall this article provided benefits of art therapy and suggestions for art therapy programs.

Tate, Frederic B,PhD., L.P.C., & Longo, D. A., PhD. (2002). Art therapy: Enhancing psychosocial nursing. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services,40(3), 40-7. Retrieved from http://0-search.proquest.com.books.redlands.edu/docview/225545216?accountid=14729